Experience Health Inc, Trisomy 21/Down syndrome (T21/Ds)
Education and help to enhance the lives of those with Trisomy 21/Down syndrome
Web Store
PLEASE NOTE- The webstore is not currently available. Please call Wendy at 425-408-1620 or email staff.exphealth@gmail.cm for more information on supplements or to place your order.
We have created this webstore to help you!
As a healthcare professional, I have access to 1000's of the highest quality supplements available. It is important that your supplements be of the highest quality, and tested to ensure potency and purity.
We carry all of the Nutrivene Products. We also have infant and kid friendly products for your TNI needs, but also to help with things outside of TNI- colds and flus, homeopathic vaccinations and detox remedies, teething, and MUCH MORE!
We also carry things for mom- multis, MomTNI, methylation support, stress support, etc.
To gain access to the Webstore please enter the Username as Connor.
For the password: please contact Wendy at staff.exphealth@gmail.com or 425-408-1620